Terms & Condition
We deeply value the trust you place in us when you choose to engage with our services or visit our website. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to ensuring clarity and transparency in all interactions. This Terms & Conditions page outlines in detail the rules and guidelines that govern your use of our services and website. It also explains your rights and responsibilities while engaging with us and the measures we take to provide a seamless and secure experience.
1. Required Documents:
a. Photocopy Required at Booking:
i) NID
ii) Passport
iii) Trade License and Business Card (For exhibitions, corporate, or cultural events)
b. Original Documents Required 5 Days Before the Event (As Applicable):
i) NOC for NRB (For ticketed events)
ii) Clearance from Ministry of Commerce (For exhibitions or fairs)
iii) Clearance from Ministry of Cultural Affairs (For cultural events, concerts, fashion shows, reality shows)
iV) Clearance from Ministry of Education (For convocations or education-based events)
v) Police Permission (For musical events, events with foreign participants,
2. Rules to Follow:
a. Payment: Full payment must be made at least 15 days before the event, or the booking may be
b. Food VAT Challan: The original Food VAT challan must be submitted to Paragon Catering at least 7
days before the event.
c. Code of Conduct: Clients must adhere to socially accepted behavior and comply with the law.
The following are strictly prohibited at Paragon Catering:
i. Fireworks, Cold Fire, Pyrotechnicsiv. Firearms
ii. Alcoholv. Animal slaughter
iii. Illegal substances
d. Safety Regulations: Clients are responsible for their belongings, and Paragon Catering is not liable
for lost items. Clients must comply with the venue’s safety regulations.